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Stealing: My Lifelong Lesson

Lifelong lesson from Stealing

When I was about six or seven years old, I did something I’ll never forget. I stole money from my brother’s piggy bank, an act of stealing that became a lifelong lesson. At the time, all I could think about was getting candy, unaware that this small act would teach me some big life lessons. Looking back, it wasn’t just about the money or the candy. It taught me the importance of honesty, understanding the results of my choices, and seeing how our actions shape who we are. That moment became a story I’ll always remember.

A Childhood Temptation

When we lived in Seoul, Korea, money was always tight. With five of us sharing limited resources, every penny counted. My older brother, who was four years older than me, had a gift for saving money. Even now, as a successful anesthesiologist living comfortably, he still practices the same frugality we all learned during those lean years in Korea.

His piggy bank wasn’t exactly a secret. It sat tucked away in a cabinet, holding the coins and little treasures he carefully saved. I admired his discipline, but as a child with a sweet tooth and no money, those candies at the neighborhood market felt impossibly out of reach.

Then, one day, the thought crossed my mind: why not just steal a little from my brother’s stash? His piggy bank held enough to buy me plenty of sweets, and surely, he wouldn’t notice a few coins missing—or so I thought.

Raiding My Brother’s Piggy Bank

stealing from my brother as a child
Me on the left, guilty of 'borrowing'; my sister, the innocent one!

I carefully planned every step, waiting for the perfect moment when the house was empty. My plan was simple: take just a little from my brother’s piggy bank so it wouldn’t be noticed right away. The piggy bank was made of hard plastic, and it couldn’t be opened without cutting it apart. But I was determined. I worked patiently, squeezing coins out one by one through the small slot without leaving a single trace.

Feeling confident in my clever plan, I even came up with a story to cover my sudden candy purchases. If my mom asked where I got the money, I’d simply say I found it on the street. For a while, it seemed like a foolproof excuse, and I felt sure no one would suspect a thing.

But my ‘found money’ story didn’t last long. My mom started to get suspicious. Meanwhile, my brother noticed something strange—his piggy bank was getting lighter instead of heavier. It didn’t take him long to bring it up to our mom, which led to the truth coming out.

Stealing and Confession

Despite my best effort to stick to my story about finding the money on the street, my mother made sure I couldn’t escape the truth. I still don’t know how she figured it out without any proof, but somehow, she knew. With persistence, my mother got me to admit what I had done, and her punishment for stealing was strict. I had no choice but to face the consequences and confess.

Admitting what I had done was both difficult and relieving. At such a young age, I didn’t fully grasp the concept of making things right. I don’t remember being asked to repay the money, but I do recall finding the courage to apologize. To my surprise, my brother didn’t seem angry or upset. Instead, he was just relieved to finally understand why his piggy bank had been losing weight.

This experience left a deep impression on me. It wasn’t just about stealing a few coins; it was a lifelong lesson about honesty, choices, and the impact of our actions. That moment shaped how I viewed right and wrong and became a story I’ve carried with me ever since.

What Life Lessons I Learned from Stealing

Although I was young at the time, this experience taught me several important lessons:

1. Honesty Matters

I learned that being truthful is always important, even when it’s hard or leads to consequences. This experience showed me that honesty helps build trust, improves relationships, and reflects who we really are, making it a lesson I’ll never forget.

2. Stealing is Wrong

I learned that taking something that isn’t yours, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem, is never right and can never be justified. It’s always better to ask or earn what you want instead of taking it from someone else.

3. Hard Work Pays Off

I came to understand the importance of earning what you want through hard work and effort rather than relying on shortcuts or dishonesty. My brother showed this by saving his own money, while I took the wrong path by stealing his instead.

4. Accountability is Key

Facing the consequences of my actions taught me the importance of taking full responsibility and making amends when I’ve made a mistake. This experience of stealing became a powerful lifelong lesson. It showed me the value of honesty, accountability, and how our choices can leave a lasting impact.

How Stealing Taught Me Lifelong Values

What stealing taught me in my life

This childhood experience left a lasting mark on me, teaching me values I carry to this day. It was a tough but necessary reminder of why honesty and accountability matter in every part of life. The lifelong lesson I learned from stealing shaped my choices and helped me grow into a more thoughtful and responsible person. It’s a memory I’ll always reflect on, grateful for the wisdom it gave me.

Check out my post on teaching kids about money and raising responsible kids with smart saving and spending habits!

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Lydia Chu

Lifestyle Blogger

As a Life & Health Organizer and Blogger, I empower individuals to declutter their lives, achieve balance, and prioritize their well-being. Through insightful blog posts, I offer practical tips and guidance on living a healthier, more organized life.

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