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Rejection from the Peace Corps

Rejected by the Peace Corps

Getting rejected by the Peace Corps was one of the most disappointing moments of my life. However, instead of letting it hold me back, I’ve chosen to stay motivated and focus on what comes next. In this post, I’ll share the reasons behind my rejection and how I’m handling the setback. I’ll also talk about how I’m preparing for the next chapter of my life and moving forward.

Chasing My Dream

In 2023, I applied to join the Peace Corps for the second time. Ever since I first applied in 2020, I had been dreaming of this opportunity. I was excited to start this new adventure, but the pandemic caused me to delay my plans.

During the years that followed, I went back to work, but the desire to join the Peace Corps never left me. After some time, I decided to give it another try and reapplied a year ago.

The application process was long and challenging, taking almost a year to prepare for departure. I spent countless hours ensuring I met all the requirements and getting ready for the journey ahead. I put my life on hold to focus on this dream, never imagining that I would be rejected from the Peace Corps.

Mix of Support and Doubt

As I worked through the application, I constantly balanced my excitement with the emotional challenges. I was excited about this new adventure, but the thought of leaving my loved ones behind was difficult. 

I received different reactions from family and friends. My parents worried about my safety and the distance. My siblings also expressed doubts, fearing the risks I might face in a foreign country without the support of home. Their lack of encouragement added to the emotional stress.

Despite this, my daughters stood by me. They understood how much this dream meant and encouraged me to follow my heart. Their support gave me strength and reminded me of the positive impact I could have.

News of My Peace Corps Rejection

On July 24, I received some unexpected news – a rejection letter from the Peace Corps. I was excited and ready to leave for Namibia. However, just a month before my departure, they told me I couldn’t join because of a medical issue. I was able to meet all the other requirements, so this news caught me completely off guard.

Up until that point, I was sure everything was on track. I had already started packing, and I couldn’t wait to make a difference in Namibia. I had even shared the news with everyone I knew, excited to start this new chapter of my life.

So, when the rejection came, it didn’t just affect me. It also impacted the friends and family who had been supporting me. It was a hard blow, and it felt like everything I had been looking forward to was suddenly taken away.

Why I Was Rejected by the Peace Corps

I was open about my medical condition, Hepatitis B, from the very beginning of the Peace Corps application process. I made sure to disclose it, knowing it could be a factor. However, it wasn’t until the final stage, after I had passed all other requirements, that the Peace Corps Medical Board flagged it as a problem. This rejection came as a shock because all my lab results came back normal and showed no health issues.

Despite my doctor reassuring me that my condition wouldn’t cause any problems, the Medical Board still expressed concerns about my health and the safety of others. This unexpected decision left me feeling confused and disappointed. I’m sharing this experience to help others with similar conditions and to highlight the challenges we might face during the application process.

Impact of Peace Corps Rejection

The rejection from the Peace Corps devastated me in many ways. It wasn’t just about losing the mission I could no longer pursue, but also the dreams I had built around it. With only a month left before my departure, I watched my dreams and goals vanish in an instant, and I was left in disbelief.

It was difficult to deal with emotionally. Then, just two days later, I received more bad news: my younger daughter lost her job. Facing both of these challenges at the same time made my rejection even more devastating. To read about how we dealt with rejections together, check out my post on overcoming one of our toughest challenges.

Moving Forward

Peace Corps rejection and moving forward

Even though the Peace Corps rejection was a big setback, I’m not giving up on my dream of traveling the world. I still have a strong desire to explore new places, experience different cultures, and make a positive impact wherever I can. This rejection has only made me more determined to find other opportunities to fulfill my mission of helping others. I’m staying focused on my goal, and while the path may look different, my passion for making a difference in the world remains unchanged. The journey continues, and I’m excited to see where it takes me.

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Lydia Chu

Lifestyle Blogger

As a Life & Health Organizer and Blogger, I empower individuals to declutter their lives, achieve balance, and prioritize their well-being. Through insightful blog posts, I offer practical tips and guidance on living a healthier, more organized life.

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