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Reactions from Family and Friends

Reactions to deciding to join the Peace Corps

Deciding to join the Peace Corps was a big step for me, but I didn’t expect the wide range of reactions from my friends and family. Some were excited and supportive, while others were skeptical or even worried. Their responses made me think about how differently people view this kind of journey. In this post, I’ll share the reactions I received and how they shaped my perspective. If you’re curious about why I made this decision, I wrote a separate post explaining my reasons for joining the Peace Corps.

My Daughters’ Supportive Reactions

One of the most encouraging reactions to my Peace Corps decision has come from my daughters. From the start, they’ve been incredibly supportive and excited about this new journey. Instead of questioning my choice, they’ve embraced it with enthusiasm, celebrating this opportunity alongside me.

Hannah, my older daughter, has shown a special interest in my plans. Since she has done some overseas volunteer work herself, she understands the value of this experience and has even considered joining the Peace Corps in the future. Both of my daughters have shared my plans with their friends, who admire my decision and see it as inspiring.

Knowing that my daughters are proud of me has been a huge source of motivation. Their support reminds me why I’m taking this leap and strengthens my commitment to this journey.

My Parents’ Concerned Reactions

Reactions from family about Peace Corps

While my daughters have been supportive, my parents have had a very different reaction to my Peace Corps decision. They are strongly opposed to it and deeply concerned about what this means for them and for me.

For the past three years, I’ve been their primary caregiver, staying close to help as they age. Even though they’ve managed well on their own, the idea of me leaving for 27 months is hard for them to accept. They worry about my safety, the challenges I might face, and how they will cope without me nearby.

More than anything, my parents feel abandoned. Moving to a developing country feels like a huge mistake to them, and they are struggling to understand why I would make this choice. Their reaction has been tough for me to handle, especially since we have such a close bond. I also worry about their health and well-being while I’m away, making this decision even more difficult.

My Siblings’ Concerns

Like my parents, my siblings’ reactions to my Peace Corps decision have also been filled with concern. They worry about how my absence will impact our family, especially since I’ve been handling many responsibilities for our parents.

Unlike my parents, they haven’t openly opposed my choice, but they also haven’t been very supportive. Their reactions come from both personal concern and the added family responsibility my departure will bring. This has made my decision even more complex, as I know my choice affects more than just me.

My Friends’ Supportive Reactions

Reactions from friends about Peace Corps

Unlike my family, my friends have been incredibly supportive of my Peace Corps decision. They are genuinely excited for me and have shown a lot of interest in my journey.

They’ve asked plenty of questions about what I’ll be doing, where I’ll be going, and how the experience will unfold. Their curiosity and enthusiasm have been uplifting, making me feel even more confident about this adventure. Their support reminds me to focus on the positive aspects of this journey and reassures me that I’m making the right choice.

Admiration and Envy from Acquaintances

Some of the most surprising reactions to my Peace Corps decision have come from acquaintances. Many have responded with admiration and even a little envy, often saying they wish they had the chance to do something like this.

Hearing others view the Peace Corps as a rare and valuable opportunity has given me extra confidence. Their positive feedback has reinforced my decision and made me even more excited about this journey. Knowing that people see this as a bold and meaningful choice motivates me to embrace this adventure with even more enthusiasm and commitment.

Moving Forward with Confidence

My Reactions about my decision to join the Peace Corps

The range of reactions to my Peace Corps decision has been a mix of encouragement, concern, and even admiration. Each response has given me a new perspective, reminding me that big life choices don’t just affect me—they ripple through the people around me.

While it hasn’t been easy navigating these different viewpoints, this experience has strengthened my resolve. I’ve learned that following my own path means accepting both support and skepticism without letting either define my decision. The doubts from some have pushed me to think critically, while the encouragement from others has given me the confidence to move forward.

Ultimately, this journey is mine to take, and I know that the lessons I’ll gain will be worth the challenges. No matter how people feel about my choice now, I hope that, in time, they will see why this opportunity is so meaningful to me.

If you’re thinking about joining the Peace Corps and want to know more about the application process, check out my post where I share my experience and tips!

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Lydia Chu

Lifestyle Blogger

As a Life & Health Organizer and Blogger, I empower individuals to declutter their lives, achieve balance, and prioritize their well-being. Through insightful blog posts, I offer practical tips and guidance on living a healthier, more organized life.

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